Moving around the full range of motion.

Δ Bot

c. 2014

The delta bot was a little project to try and make a very low cost delta robot using powerful motors without gearboxes. It would allow for excellent force/impedance interaction with the environment. I wanted to make it a kit and try and sell them through Kickstarter for people to experiment with. I also see this configuration as a very interesting end-effector for a conventional robot arm needing delicate control of tools like ZIF connector insertion and manipulation of tiny screws and drivers.

It utilized some of the low cost motors that were too weak for a robot wrist joint for a work project. I think they cost around $12 each. The structure was laser-cut acrylic and the carbon-fiber control arms were adapted from connecting rods/joints used in hobby helicopters.

Not sure what the limit was but here it is hulking out on 500g.