すいい (Suii)
c. 2020
推移, すいい
transition, change, progress, development, shift
passing (of time)
Necessity for a gift for your mother is the mother of all invention. The Suii was designed and built over 3 days as a last minute Christmas present for my mom.
Suii is a simple little paper lamp that changes color with temperature. It’s green at the “comfortable” setpoint temperature and shifts to red (too warm) to blue (too cold). It can be collapsed by toggling the little nub on the top.
Two buttons on the sides that adjusts the “comfortable” setpoint by 0.5° C increments.
Full red is 2° C above the setpoint
Full blue is 2° C below the setpont
Not so comfy.
All the printed parts assembled in the collapsed state. Main structure (everything but the support rods in the middle) is one part. The spiral is printed with a tiny gap and is simply split apart when done printing.
A view of the tri-color LED and toggle at the top. The toggle lets the user drive the support post past the toggle point.
Powered by a Arduino nano BLE 33 sense. Not shown are the two side buttons that let the user change the setpoint. Also not shown is the bottom cover.
All the printed parts assembled in the extended state. The ‘S’ shaped part of the support has some compliance to make it easier to toggle past the top.
Regular ol’ tissue paper super-glued to the spiral, cap and base.